Free Initial Consultations

With offices in Naperville, Joliet, Wheaton, Plainfield & Chicago
At the Davi Law Group, we handle divorce issues at every stage. From the preliminary filing to post-divorce issues, we stand ready to assist our clients at any time. If you experience a change in circumstances after a divorce, you may want to consider a post-judgment modification. Our attorneys will help you to understand the options available to you, as well as the process to achieve your desired goals.
Significant life changes can necessitate a modification order. Such modifications can impact parentage issues and alter child custody, visitation, child support, and maintenance. We are committed to helping our clients through life changes and keeping them on the right side of the law. If you are having problems meeting your obligations due to a substantial life change, we can help you sort things out and take the necessary legal actions to seek a modification. Some common changes include:
Failing to report such changes and seek a modification could be misinterpreted as a willful violation of the terms in a divorce decree and could result in fines, wage garnishment, attorney's fees, and even jail time. Communication is of utmost importance. Please reach out to our firm to begin the process of addressing your situation today.
Section 510 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act ("IMDMA")provides for the modification or termination of a child support or maintenance obligation upon the showing of a significant change in circumstances. Other factors that could lead to a modification of child support are the showing of at least a 20 percent difference between the current order and the amount that would result from a current appellation of the child support guidelines; or, the showing of a recent need to provide for the healthcare needs of the child through health insurance or other means. The modification or termination of maintenance involves several other factors that our skilled attorneys have the knowledge to advise and guide you if the need arises.
Section 610 of the IMDMA sets out the ability to modify custody or child custody.
In addition to life changes, some modifications are sought due to a disagreement over the final judgment in a divorce. If you wish to pursue a modification for any reason, we can help you examine the plausibility of your request. There are time constraints and specific requirements to follow and we can keep you informed about the best possible course of action and when to initiate a modification request.
We concentrate on what our clients say and get to the heart of what they really need. If you are searching for a clear path after divorce, we can help you discover the direction that is best for you. Our initial meeting, which has an approximate value of $325.00, will be conducted without cost to you. We also have offices in Joliet, Plainfield, Naperville, Wheaton, and Chicago, Illinois for your convenience. Financing options are available. Contact us today.