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With offices in Naperville, Joliet, Wheaton, Plainfield & Chicago
When you are a homemaker, your entire life revolves around your family. Rather than continuing on a career path, you have devoted yourself to the work it takes to run a household. If you have children, you are likely their primary caregiver on top of being the family cook, housekeeper, shopper, and much more. However, this vitally important work goes unpaid, which can make the prospect of getting divorced frightening for many stay-home parents and homemakers.
If you are getting divorced, you may have concerns over how you will continue to meet your financial needs and your children’s needs at the same time. Financial concerns like alimony payments or child support are likely to be high priorities so that you can maintain financial security while adjusting to single life. Our attorneys will work with you to learn your specific needs so that we can best serve you and guard your interests throughout the divorce process.
Work is work, whether you do it in an office for pay or at home without pay. Your contributions to the marriage and family have real value, both intrinsically and economically. You deserve to continue having your needs, and your children’s needs met after divorce. Some tips that may help you include:
Prioritize alimony and child support - If you are eligible for spousal maintenance payments, they can provide you with ongoing financial stability while you work to re-establish yourself in a career or find another source of income. If you were married over 20 years, you may even be eligible for permanent alimony. If you are a stay-home parent, you are more likely to be given a higher allotment of parenting time, so you will probably be eligible to receive child support as well. Your children deserve support from both parents despite the divorce.
Check your prenup - If you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place, your attorney will need to review it carefully. An unjust prenuptial agreement can be a barrier to divorce, but an agreement that leaves you unable to provide for yourself could be considered unconscionable and not enforced.
Find social supports - You may (or may not) have generally relied on your spouse for emotional and social support. It can be a bit daunting to live on your own or with only your children after being a homemaker. It can help tremendously to build a strong social support network so that you have people to turn to. Joining an interest-based club or group can be a good start.
While divorce can be challenging for homemakers, there are steps you and your lawyer can take to help you achieve long-term stability after your marriage.
Davi Law Group is experienced in helping homemakers get divorced. Our Wheaton divorce attorneys will approach your case with great care, prioritizing you and your children’s ongoing financial security. Call us at 630-657-5052 for a free consultation.