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5 Signs That Your Marriage is Over and It Is Time to File for Divorce

 Posted on January 25, 2019 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce attorneysThe decision to divorce is a highly personal one - and far from simple. There might be years of happy memories that are difficult to let go of, despite how difficult things have been lately. Perhaps there are children involved, and like most parents, you are worried about how a divorce might affect them. Add in any number of the other possible variables that occur in a divorce (domestic abuse, financial disadvantages, disability, etc.), and divorce may no longer seem like an option. For others, staying in an unhappy or toxic situation might begin to seem preferable to the complex and often lengthy process of a divorce.

Thankfully, neither scenario needs to occur, as there are options for even the most difficult situations. Of course, before one can actively seek out solutions for their situation, they must first come to terms with it. Look for these five signs in your marriage. If you have noticed any of them, it may be time to decide if divorce could be the next best step in your life.

1. Your Partner Refuses to Seek Treatment

Relationships of all types can fail, but those that involve addiction, abuse, mental health issues, or severe illness tend to have a much higher rate of failure. Sadly, if your spouse refuses to seek treatment for any of these issues, your risk of divorce increases even further. The reasoning for this is simple: one can only live inside a toxic situation for so long. Either you leave the relationship or things or accept that things may get worse - possibly to the point of implosion.

2. Your Partner is Having an Affair with Someone They Love

Affairs and emotional infidelity can be worked through in couple’s therapy. However, both parties must be willing to completely commit to their marriage to make the process successful. If your spouse is having an affair with someone that they have already fallen for, it may better for you to let them go. They engaged in more than just an affair; that is an entire relationship outside of your own. When the heart is already involved in the affair, you also run a serious risk of them not being committed to therapy, which can cost you dearly in both time and money.

3. Your Spouse Abuses (or Threatens to Abuse) You or Your Children

Anyone can become angry enough to do or say something they regret, but abuse is an entirely different matter, altogether. Here, the situation is not a few mean words said during an argument. It is an effort to control someone using money, physical force, or psychological manipulation. Abuse also works in a cyclical manner, with the abuser being overly apologetic immediately after their actions, only to again behave in the same manner. Eventually, apologies become almost non-existent, and the abuse cycle shortens.

Such situations cannot be remedied unless the abuser wants to fix things - and even then, the chances of a positive outcome are slim. In fact, about the only thing worse than being a victim of abuse in a marriage is having your children become the target. Not only can this cause permanent damage to the child, but it can put your parental rights at risk. Do not take chances; stay safe and contact a seasoned divorce lawyer for help leaving an abusive marriage.

4. You Resent or No Longer Respect Your Spouse (or Vice Versa)

Sometimes, relationships become so broken, they cannot be repaired. Perhaps someone retaliated in a way that cracked the foundation of the relationship, or maybe the words or actions simply cannot be forgiven. Whatever the cause of the current situation, if you find that you or your spouse either resent one another or no longer respect one another, it may be time to divorce.

5. Your Kids Want You to Divorce

Parents often say that they are staying together for the kids - but what happens when the kids want the parents to divorce? As crazy as it might sound, this does happen quite often. Today’s children are familiar with divorce. In fact, your child may have friends with divorced parents - and they may have actually improved the child’s situation. You see, science is now showing that it is not the actual divorce that causes such poor outcomes in children, but the environment in which the child grows up. Parental interactions are a big part of that environment.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Contact Our Skilled DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If it seems that divorce may be the most appropriate path for your marriage, know that you do not have to decide today. Instead, you can simply make an appointment to discuss your options. Seasoned and experienced, the DuPage County divorce attorneys at Davi Law Group, LLC respect the difficult decision you are facing. We offer personalized, compassionate services to suit your needs. Call 630-657-5052 to schedule your consultation with our offices today.


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