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While it is unfortunate that an extremely violent event involving a public figure is what has sparked a renewed conversation on domestic violence, many are saying the occurrence is simply bringing to light the types of domestic violence incidents that victims must deal with on a regular basis. As the conversation about domestic violence continues in the media and among the public, the overall effort seems to be spreading awareness and advocating for solutions to the domestic violence problem across the country. It can at least be said that these issues affect far more people than average members of the public may realize, and the problem is likely larger than many think.
Just how big is the problem of domestic violence? A report published by the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence asserts that in fiscal year 2014, a total of 63 domestic violence incidents took the lives of 84 individuals, with many more leading to injury, and presumably even more going unreported.
Focusing on the Victim
Part of the conversation regarding domestic violence involves examining behavior on the part of the victim. More specifically, much of the commentary regarding the issue of domestic violence seems to beg the question why the victim stayed in a relationship or why the victim did not leave the environment in which the abuse occurred. While the answer may seem obvious to some, those involved in an abusive relationship have shed some light on the complex and tumultuous nature of the same that may cloud their judgment or cause them to seek out alternative solutions to their problem. Some suggest that perhaps the conversation regarding victims’ actions should shift from why they stay to how they can be helped.
How to Help
While domestic violence can occur in any community in the United States, it is also an issue that is present locally in Illinois. Local police in the Chicago area undoubtedly respond to and address domestic violence incidents on a regular basis. Within these interactions, it is likely not difficult to gain an understanding rather quickly of some of the common reasons domestic violence occurs and why some victims decide to continue in a relationship with their abuser. Some familiar themes include love, anger, jealousy, threats, and uncertainty.
There should be little doubt that issues surrounding domestic violence cases can be complicated. Recent social media activity backs up this claim, with many domestic violence victims taking part in a trend in which they post online their reasons for staying or leaving a violent relationship. Abusive behavior may present itself differently in every relationship. All of these facts support the argument that domestic violence deserves to be part of an ongoing, national discussion aimed toward awareness, prevention, and consequences. Illinois has recently taken action toward this end in enacting Diane’s Law, which allows for closer monitoring of domestic violence perpetrators through a variety of ways.
Family Law Attorney The experienced DuPage County family law attorneys at the Davi Law Group, LLC have successful experience representing clients in a variety of matters, including those dealing with domestic violence and restraining orders. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. We have offices located in Wheaton, Warrenville, and Chicago.