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Study Shows Children Want Time with Both Parents after Divorce

 Posted on November 24, 2014 in Divorce

children-parent bonding after divorceWhen child custody and support matters are added into the divorce mix, issues may be compounded and emotions can arise quickly. Of course, every case involving child custody has different factors and circumstances involved, but in many cases, both parents wish to have custody of their minor children and have their own ideas about what children need during and after divorce. A recently published article suggests some commonly accepted advice regarding children’s needs after divorce may be missing the mark.


Normally, divorcing parents may be focused on providing their children with as much routine and structure as possible to provide them with the perceived necessary stability through their divorce. However, according to the article referenced above, recent studies suggest that stability may have a different meaning to the children themselves. Experts are saying that what children really want and need in order to thrive in light of their parents divorce is open access to both parents.

This new concept of stability is not only what children reportedly want, but has also been shown to enable children to do their best when they do not have to abide by fixed visitation schedules and have more access to each parent at any time. The findings included that children found their parents’ divorces more tolerable when they were able to see the noncustodial parent when and as often as they wanted. The specifics on which parent was considered custodial was not important; instead, children favored dividing time between their parents regardless of their legal titles.

Child’s Perspective

Particularly when parents are unable to reach an agreement regarding custody, the issue is then argued and decided in court. Oftentimes, a child’s preference is taken into account, but there is an increasing consensus that this needs to occur more regularly as children’s perspectives are being considered more and more important.

Part of the research done into this topic showed children of divorce who were now adults wished to spend more time with their fathers but did not do so due to their mother’s wishes. Today, the shift to a more shared parenting model may decrease the incidence of similar situations. In decades past, custody arrangements usually favored the mother, but now there is wide acceptance and recognition of the fact that fathers are just as important to a child’s development and well-being as mothers are.

Experts seem to agree that absent extreme circumstances involving abuse, addiction, or domestic violence, children should be allowed access to both parents. Not only does each parent fulfill a slightly different role in the parent-child relationship, but there is little doubt children benefit from the financial and emotional support of both parents.

Child Custody Attorney

If you or someone you know is struggling with a child support or custody issue, do not hesitate to speak with an experienced Wheaton family law attorney who can advise you of your rights. Contact the Davi Law Group, LLC today to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. We have successful experience representing clients in DuPage County and the surrounding area.

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