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The holidays are often a stressful time for families, regardless of whether relationships are strained. Often, the hassle of traveling, shopping, cooking, and preparing meals takes its toll on all individuals involved. However, in families who are going through a transition, either because of a new marriage, or perhaps because of a divorce, the holiday season may be one in which tensions are running particularly high. According to a recently published news article, the key to keeping emotions in check over the holidays is managing expectations with family.
Expert Advice
Experts say the key to enjoying the holidays comes down to managing expectations with family. Establishing your own family traditions should be a priority. If you plan on changing your schedule for the holidays, for example, by spending Christmas Eve or Christmas morning in your own home as opposed to that of another family member, and this is likely to conflict with other family members’ expectations, let your plans be known well in advance and remind others of them if and when necessary.
In addition, clear communication to extended family about where you will be and when on the actual day of the holiday is important. Setting expectations about when you will be at a certain place and for how long is essential to to managing expectations. This goes a long way in helping others deal with the changes that may be occurring or may have occurred, and in keeping the peace within the family and keeping everyone happy over the long term. This advice regarding communication over scheduling is applicable to any holiday, any time of the year.
Finally, there are some special considerations a newly divorced family may do well to take into account. Those in this situation should be open and prepared for changes to come and new traditions to be made. Communication is also key, and especially important, for those who are recently divorced. Open and early communication between the parties involved can play a huge part in heading off holiday stress that would otherwise be felt down the road. Single-parent families and stepfamilies may especially benefit from creating new traditions and rituals to enjoy over the holiday season. This would help them become acclimated to a new situation while giving them new things to look forward to, and helping them move on from the past.
Family Law Attorney
Family law issues can be complex, not to mention fraught with emotions. Consulting with an experienced and professional family law attorney to discuss your case and sort through issues is key. The team of DuPage County family law attorneys at the Davi Law Group, LLC have successful experience representing clients in a number of family law cases. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your matter. We serve clients in DuPage, Will, Kane, Kendall and Cook County.