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Helping Children Adjust During a Separation or Divorce

 Posted on August 29, 2018 in Child Custody

Illinois parenting time lawyersAlthough divorce can negatively impact all involved parties, children are considered especially vulnerable when a separation occurs. Factors like contention between the parents, parental alienation, or financial losses that may occur during the divorce can further increase the risk of long-term complications for kids. Thankfully, there are things that parents can do to mitigate the issues for their children. Learn more in the following sections, and discover how a seasoned divorce lawyer can assist you in the process.

Understanding the Risks (and Their Causes) for Children of Divorce

Divorce is a process that involves the separating of parents. Children tend to experience a lot of negative emotion because they have little say or control over the process. That can create a whole host of issues, such as anxiety (including separation anxiety), depression, a lack of interest in their social life or extracurricular activities, and trouble concentrating or performing at school. If not addressed, these issues can plague children for the rest of their lives. Moreover, studies have found that children of divorce are more likely to experience trouble with the law, and they may struggle more to maintain long-term intimate relationships as adults.

Reducing Your Child’s Risk of Long-Term Divorce Complications

Because each child and case is so unique, it is impossible to give universal advice on reducing a child’s risk of long-term divorce complications. However, there are some strategies that seem to work in most situations. These include:

  • Asking your child questions about their feelings about the divorce and giving them room and permission to speak freely;
  • Employing the assistance of a skilled therapist or family counselor;
  • Reducing the level of contention between you and your spouse by minimizing direct contact;
  • Creating a parenting plan that allows your child to have ample time with each parent;
  • Seeking counseling or therapy for yourself to reduce the risk of accidentally transferring your own anxieties or issues over to your child;
  • Keeping the exact details of the divorce between you and your spouse (and your respective attorneys), rather than sharing them with your child;

Many of these options can also help you find a more tailored method for helping your child cope during the divorce. For example, a family counselor or child therapist can give you ideas and strategies that are specific to your child’s needs. An attorney can also work with your family to determine what the most appropriate strategy may be regarding how to distribute parenting time and the allocation of parental responsibilities in your divorce.

Contact Our Wheaton Divorce Lawyers

Davi Law Group, LLC has a long history of advocating for the best interests of children, and we can skillfully assist you in your Illinois divorce. Seasoned and experienced, our DuPage County divorce attorneys always pursue the most favorable outcome possible in a divorce. Start by scheduling a no-obligation, personalized consultation. Call 630-657-5052 today.


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