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How Are Child Support Obligations Determined in Illinois?

 Posted on September 30, 2021 in Child Support

wheaton child support lawyerWhen parents decide to end their relationship, including through divorce, legal separation, or the breakup of an unmarried couple, they will want to make sure their children will have everything they need to grow up successfully. In addition to addressing issues related to child custody and making sure both parents can maintain close relationships with their children, parents will also need to address matters related to child support. This form of financial support ensures that both parents will regularly contribute to meeting their children’s needs. Parents will need to understand how their financial obligations toward their children are determined and what types of child-related expenses will need to be addressed.

Calculating Child Support Payments

Since 2017, the state of Illinois has used an “income-sharing” calculation for child support obligations. The state’s laws provide guidelines for how child support payments are calculated. These calculations begin by determining a “basic child support obligation” using a table that specifies the amount that a married couple at the same income level as the parents in question would usually pay on a monthly basis to provide for their children’s basic needs. This table will provide the appropriate amount of support based on a couple’s combined income and number of children.

Each parent will be required to pay a certain percentage of the basic child support obligation based on the percentage of the combined income they earn. For example, if both parents earn the same amount annually, the basic child support obligation would be divided equally between them. If children will be living with one parent the majority of the time, this parent will be presumed to use their income directly to provide for their children’s needs. The other parent will make regular child support payments to the custodial parent. In cases where children live with each parent for equal or near-equal amounts of time, Illinois law provides additional guidelines to calculate the amount of each parent’s obligation based on their percentage of parenting time.

While the basic child support obligation is meant to address children’s ongoing, daily needs, parents may need to cover a variety of other expenses related to their children. A child support order may also address additional expenses such as medical insurance for children and other health-related costs, daycare or childcare needed while a parent is working or pursuing education, extracurricular activities that children participate in, and educational expenses such as tuition, school fees, or tutoring. These expenses may be divided between the parents according to each parent’s percentage of their combined income.

Contact Our DuPage County Child Support Lawyers

Each divorce case is unique, and depending on your family’s situation, you may need to address multiple types of expenses as you raise your children. At Davi Law Group, we can make sure you fully consider all issues that will affect the amount of child support you pay or receive, and we will work to help you resolve any disputes that may arise during your divorce. To get the legal help you need in matters related to your children or the end of your marriage, contact our Wheaton divorce attorneys at 630-657-5052 and set up a free consultation today.


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