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How the Millennial Generation is Changing Marriage and Divorce

 Posted on October 18, 2018 in Family Law

DuPage County family law attorneysDivorce rates for the American population have been on the decline for several years now, but until recently, no one really understood why. After an analysis from the University of Maryland, experts believe the decline can be directly attributed to the millennial generation. However, it is not just the divorce rate that this demographic is influencing; they are also doing marriage very differently than their predecessors. Learn more in the following sections, including how a seasoned family law attorney can help you protect your marriage, should a divorce ever occur, or assist you in pursuing a favorable outcome in a pending Illinois divorce case.

Millennials and Marriage

The institution of marriage was once a way of life, what was expected of younger people when they left home. Sadly, those marriages often ended in divorce, either because the parties faced irreconcilable differences or simply decided that they were no longer happy or compatible. Some of those divorcees eventually remarried again; a fair percentage of those marriages also ended in divorce. Millennials are doing things a little differently. Many are waiting until they have an education and career in place before tying the knot - if they decide to do it at all. As a result, they are inherently less likely to divorce. Millennial couples are also signing prenuptial agreements at an almost unprecedented rate, which is helping to protect parties if a divorce does later occur.

Millennials and Divorce

Although divorce has risen for some of the population (particularly those aged 55 or older), millennials are divorcing at a much lower rate than previous generations. Experts say that part of this could be attributed to their waiting so long to marry, but there are likely other factors at play as well. Higher education and income levels are common among married millennials; both have long been associated with a lower risk of divorce. Much of the poorer population is deciding to cohabitate, rather than marry, which is making it more of an institution for the “elite.” Some may see this as a negative, but there are some benefits - so long as the cohabitating parties have taken steps to protect themselves, should the couple decide to call it quits (i.e. establishing parentage for any shared children, having a cohabitation agreement that addresses how assets, leases, and other aspects of separating will be handled, etc.).

Contact Our Wheaton Family Law Attorneys

Whether you need assistance with drafting a prenuptial agreement before you are married, a post-nuptial agreement while you are married, a divorce, or even a cohabitation agreement, Davi Law Group, LLC is the firm to call. Our seasoned DuPage County family law attorneys are experienced in handling a wide array of family law and divorce issues and we will strive to protect your interests in any situation. Schedule a personalized consultation by calling our offices at 630-657-5052 today.


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