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Incarcerated Teenage Rapper Faces Child Support Lawsuit

 Posted on February 06, 2013 in Child Support

StaciThe Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that 17-year-old rap star Keith Cozart, aka Chief Keef, has been sued for child support and other expenses related to the birth of a now 14-month-old child. The lawsuit seeks a current child support order from Chief Keef, as well as retroactive child support, health insurance coverage, medical expenses, daycare expenses, and attorney’s fees for the lawyer hired by the child’s mother. Keef reportedly signed an acknowledgement of parentage of the baby girl, who was born in November, 2011. The mother of the child is now also 17 years old. When contacted for comments, Keef’s representative did not return calls. Chief Keef recently released his first album, “Finally Rich,” that had been widely anticipated by the public. However, Keef has become notorious in recent months for his legal woes rather than his musical talent. Just last week, a Cook County judge sentenced Keef to 60 days in a juvenile detention facility for a probation violation. Keef had allegedly violated the terms of his probation stemming from a gun conviction by appearing in a music video holding a firearm. When a child is born out of wedlock, a father has the option of signing a document at the child’s birth acknowledging his paternity, or later undergoing DNA testing through a legal action to formally establish paternity. Once paternity is established, court orders such as child support, custody, and visitation can be established if requested by one or both parties. Even though Keef is currently incarcerated, he is only scheduled to be incarcerated for a relatively short period of time, which means that he is likely to be ordered to pay child support for this child in the near future. If you or a loved one is sued in a paternity or child support action, you need to ensure that you are aware of your legal rights and that appropriate orders are established. With the assistance of a skilled child support lawyer, you can ensure that your rights and interests are sufficiently protected.

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