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Your Checklist for Meeting with an Illinois Divorce Attorney

 Posted on January 23, 2017 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyers, Illinois divorce attorneyIf you are planning to file for divorce in Illinois and have already set up an appointment with a lawyer, you have made a wise decision. Having an experienced attorney on your side ensures protection of your legal rights throughout the divorce process. You can take another step in the right direction by being prepared for the meeting because you will gain the most out of the consultation when you know what to expect. While every case is different, here is a checklist of some of the items you may discuss with an Illinois divorce attorney during your initial appointment.

Issues Related to Children

If you have minor children, you should discuss your current situation and potential plans for raising them post-divorce. Of critical importance to a court is the parental responsibilities and decision-making, living arrangements, and financial support. However, there are other factors to consider, such as tax implications and planning for college. Many of these issues will be addressed in a parenting plan that you must file in court within 120 days of filing your case. Therefore, make sure your lawyer is aware of all issues related to children.

Assets, Income, and Debts

You should be prepared to discuss the details of your real and personal property, household income, and debts with your attorney. All of this information will impact the distribution of assets to each spouse, spousal support, and child support. Keep in mind that Illinois divorce law requires a court to make an equitable distribution of property—not an equal split. There are numerous factors to consider, including the distinction between “marital” and “non-marital” property.

If possible, bring all relevant documents regarding your assets, income, and debts to your initial meeting with a divorce attorney. You should include information on bank accounts, life insurance, mortgages, real estate deeds, car and personal loans, and any other information representing property you own or debts you owe.

Schedule an Initial Consultation with a Divorce Attorney Today

A checklist can help you with some of the basics that you will be discussing during your initial meeting with an Illinois divorce lawyer. Also, there may be additional matters you will want to discuss. These cases can be highly complex, but you are ahead of the game if you have done your homework and are prepared to go over the details of your case. Your attorney is able to offer advice and counsel when presented with the full picture, and is in a better position to protect your interests in complicated divorce proceedings.

To schedule a consultation with one of our experienced DuPage County divorce lawyers at the Davi Law Group, LLC, please contact our office. Our attorneys can provide more information on what to expect and direction on additional checklist items that will assist in representing your interests.


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