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While deciding to get a divorce can be extremely difficult for most parents, that decision might just be the tip of the iceberg. The parents will need to go through divorce proceedings, reach a settlement, and then abide by that settlement as they move on from their divorce to the next stage of life: continuing to raise their children while they are no longer together. This can mean going from a two-income household to a single-income household, and the financial implications can be far-reaching. If an ex is expected to pay the other child support but fails to do so, this can further add to the financial stress. If your ex suddenly stopped making child support payments, an experienced Wheaton, IL divorce lawyer can guide you during this stressful and trying time.
Under typical conditions, courts do not intervene in a family’s financial affairs. The parents manage their own finances as they see fit; as long as the children are fed, sheltered, dressed, and responsibly cared for, no one has the authority to tell the parents what to do with their money. Some couples have one shared bank account and share all marital income and debt. Others keep their incomes separate, and each has their own household expenses that they cover individually.
As soon as parents get a divorce, that changes. The court can order one spouse to pay the other spousal support and child support and can limit a parent’s spending by restricting things like international travel and other spending on the child.
For a parent with limited financial resources, court-mandated child support payments from the other parent can be instrumental in enabling the first parent to cover the costs of raising their child. They can put together an accurate budget of their monthly expenses, and if they take child support payments into consideration, they might try to formulate a work schedule that allows them to earn what they need to meet their financial obligations and also grants them the flexibility to drop off and pick up their child regularly. It can, therefore, be extremely nerve-wracking if the child support payments suddenly stop coming.
There are a few different steps you might take if your ex has stopped making their child support payments, depending on your unique relationship and circumstances:
If your ex has stopped making child support payments without a warning, a knowledgeable Wheaton, IL family law attorney can review your case and advise you on how you might move forward. Call Davi Law Group at 630-657-5052 to schedule a free consultation.