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Popular Parenting Time Schedules for Divorced Parents

 Posted on January 04, 2023 in Child Custody

Wheaton family law attorneysIn Illinois, divorced parents create a parenting plan that describes how the parents will handle childcare and child-related responsibilities. This parenting plan includes several different elements, including the allocation of parental responsibilities and a parenting time schedule. There are several popular parenting time schedules that help divorced parents share time with their children. An important part of the divorce process is working out a parenting time schedule that works for both parents and the children.

Parents are encouraged to negotiate their own parenting time schedule and formalize that schedule through their parenting plan. However, if parents cannot agree, the court will step in and decide the parenting time schedule for the parties.

Potential Visitation Schedules

No visitation or parenting time schedule is perfect, and the type of schedule you will use depends on your work obligations, the children's school and extracurricular activities, and how close you and the other parent live to one another. The following are some of the more common parenting time schedules that divorced parents in Illinois use:

  • Every Other Weekend Schedule – With this arrangement, the noncustodial parent typically has visitation with the children every other weekend (Friday, Saturday, and, in some cases, Sunday nights).
  • Split Week Schedule – This schedule is more complex and requires a lot of flexibility. It involves both parents taking turns having visitation with the children on alternating days or weeks.
  • Every Other Holiday Schedule – In this arrangement, each parent spends time with their child every other holiday throughout the year (like Thanksgiving and Christmas).
  • Week-On/Week-Off Schedule – This arrangement allows each parent to have one full week of visitation with the children on a rotating basis.
  • Extended Time During Summer Vacation – This is popular with older children and gives noncustodial parents extended visits during summer vacation while allowing them to keep up with their child's school schedule throughout the year.

Each parent should take into consideration their own personal situation as well as the needs and desires of their children when deciding on a parenting time schedule. It is always best for both parents to come to an agreement about visitation that works for all parties involved, but if negotiations fail, the court will make a parenting time determination that is in the child's best interests.

Contact a Wheaton Child Custody Lawyer

Divorcing parents have many crucial issues to consider during the divorce process, including child custody, child support, asset division, and more. Contact the skilled DuPage County divorce attorneys at Davi Law Group to get the support and assistance you need. Call 630-657-5052 for a free initial consultation.


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