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Protecting Your Mental Health in Divorce

 Posted on October 15, 2019 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyersFrom an attorney’s perspective, divorce is primarily a financial transaction. Yet, for the parties separating, divorce is far more than just a division of assets; it is an emotional endeavor. Grief, an emergence of buried emotions, and even feelings of doubt and regret can surface.

Some fall into depression at this time. Others experience intense anger. Parties leaving an abusive situation can also suffer from PTSD. In short, it is important to protect one’s mental health during a divorce. The following tips offer a few ideas on how to go about doing this.

Allow Time for the Grieving Process

As previously mentioned, grief is exceptionally common during divorce. Rather than deny or bury it, allow grief to take its natural course. By avoiding it, you can end up doing yourself for harm than good.

Rising stress levels, suppressed anger or resentment, and other negative emotions are all common symptoms experienced by those who are attempting to avoid their grief. In contrast, those that allow themselves the time to process and grieve their loss tend to adapt much better after their divorce. This is likely because they feel more grounded and at peace with their decision.

Find, Develop, and Nourish Your Support System

Divorce can change many facets of your life, including the people in your immediate circle. Family and friends may be “claimed” by your spouse (i.e. your spouse’s understanding and empathetic sister stops answering when you call or your mutual friend from work starts giving you the cold shoulder). Even the people you thought would be your greatest source of support may fall to the wayside (this could be because your situation makes them uncomfortable).

All of these factors could leave you with a sparse support system, so work on finding and developing some new relationships. Allow others into your circle. You may even want to consider attending a support group. There, you will meet other people going through a similar situation. They understand your pain, and they can be a great source of encouragement when it comes to finding joy and happiness after a divorce.

Consider Therapy if Severe Grief Persists

While grief is normal after a divorce, in situations where it is either serve or prolonged, it may be best to seek professional help. As previously mentioned, some people go through intense negative emotions, either because of their loss, propensity for experiencing depression, or because of their experiences (i.e. domestic violence). A therapist can help you start medication if it is needed, and they can guide you through the grieving process in a more productive way.

Contact Our Wheaton Divorce Lawyers

Dealing with the emotional aspects of a divorce can be difficult, so why add more to your situation? Entrust the legal aspects of your case to Davi Law Group, LLC, where your financial future and stability are a top priority. Our DuPage County divorce lawyers handle the legal matters so you can focus on taking care of yourself and your family. Call 630-657-5052 and schedule a personalized consultation to get started.


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