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Protecting Yourself and Your Children When Divorcing an Addict

 Posted on July 14, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce AttorneyBeing married to someone who is dependent on drugs or alcohol can be very difficult. People in active addiction put their substance of choice above everything else, including their spouse and children. Your spouse may have lost their job as a result of substance abuse. They may have been arrested. They could have become involved with criminals you would rather not be associated with. Whatever the situation may be, you need out of your marriage, and you need to get your children out. Getting a divorce from a spouse with substance abuse problems can be very difficult on a number of levels. You will need an attorney to help you take steps to protect yourself and your children during this difficult time.

Steps You Can Take to Protect Yourself From a Substance Abuser During Divorce

As you have likely come to know, people who are in active addiction can be irresponsible. Your goal will need to be mitigating the damage their addiction has done to your life and your children’s lives. Some steps you may be able to take include:

  • Supervised visitation - Adults who are constantly intoxicated to an extreme degree are not capable of safely caring for children. Your attorney can help you ask the court to allow only supervised - if any - visitation with your spouse. The courts in Illinois must put the best interests of the children first.

  • Financial protection - Addicts can spend a lot of money quickly. Certain accounts that your spouse has access to, like a retirement account, can be temporarily frozen to preserve your share in them. You may want to open a new bank account and deposit your wages there if you are working.

  • Support groups - Support groups like Alanon are available for people who have been affected by a loved one’s substance abuse. You or your children may find them helpful.

  • Protection order - If your spouse’s substance abuse is putting you or your children in harm’s way, you may be able to get a temporary civil protection order that can force your spouse out of the marital residence. This measure can help keep your family safe while the divorce is pending.

Divorcing an addict can be emotionally difficult, but it is often worth it to bring yourself and your children a new sense of security and stability.

Reach Out to a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

If you are seeking a divorce from your spouse due to their substance abuse, Davi Law Group can help. Our experienced Wheaton divorce lawyers can take steps to protect your family’s future while you are seeking to end your marriage. Call 630-657-5052 for a free consultation.


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