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Quarantine Recommendations Raise Concerns for Parents Sharing Children

 Posted on March 01, 2020 in Visitation

Illinois parenting time lawyersThe entire country is being advised to practice social distancing and quarantine procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Parents who share children but live in separate households are both concerned and unnerved about what this could mean for their families. Check out these options for divorced, legally separated, and non-wed families parenting in separate households.

Keeping Visitation Schedules the Same

Many of the families that have not been affected by the virus are opting to keep their visitation schedule the same for now. Their children continue to transition between homes. As long as nothing changes, and each household practices social distancing or in-home quarantine, this should not be an issue, so long as no one becomes infected. Parents who continue visitation their schedules as they are may want to also develop a plan for handling a positive COVID-19 case within the family. Some things to consider include:

  • Where the child will stay if one or both parents become infected,
  • Who will care for the child if they end up contracting COVID-19, and
  • How the family can still bond if forced to quarantine in separate households.

Changing Visitation Schedules Under Quarantine

Families under full quarantine (mostly in high-risk areas) may want to consider changing their visitation schedule to reduce the chances of sending the virus to both homes. Incubation for COVID-19 is anywhere from seven to 11 days, so the most prudent schedule would likely be a two-week exchange. Parents can verbally make such an agreement verbally, but it is better to have a legal document in place, just to be safe. Your family law attorney can help.

Finding Creative Ways to Stay Connected Under Quarantine

Families who are under full quarantine, either because of the spread of the virus in their area or because they have a positive case, may need to find creative ways to connect while under quarantine. One of the easiest ways to do this is through video chats. Parents and kids can log into their favorite video chat application and have dinner, talk, play games, or even do homework together. Online video games also give parents and kids a way to interact and play under quarantine. There is no right or wrong answer here, just what works for your family.

Contact Our DuPage County Family Law Attorneys

If your family is in the midst of a divorce or separation, or if you are parenting from separate households during quarantine, contact Davi Law Group, LLC. Our skilled Wheaton parenting time lawyers can help you devise a strategy for moving forward, even under these dire circumstances. Call 630-657-5052 to schedule your personalized consultation.


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