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The Hidden Risks of Ignoring a Parenting Plan

 Posted on February 07, 2025 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerYou may see your parenting plan as a general guideline rather than a legally binding contract with your ex-spouse. This belief can land you in trouble with your ex and with the court – which is never where you want to be. Consistently following your parenting plan not only provides your child with stability but also minimizes conflict between parents, setting the stage for a peaceful co-parenting arrangement.

Perhaps your ex is a "by the book" individual, while you believe that the rules of life – and your parenting plan – can be bent when necessary. These two disparate views of life may even be one of the reasons you are divorced. Even if you are not necessarily a rule follower, this may be one area of your life that you may want to adjust your thinking.

If failing to stick to the parenting plan is resulting in arguments between you and your ex – or if you are following the parenting plan but your ex is not – it could be time to speak to an experienced Wheaton, IL family law attorney.

What Does a Parenting Plan Do?

A parenting plan clearly outlines how each parent will share parental responsibilities after the divorce and how parenting time will be divided. The plan includes schedules, guidelines for communication between the parents, and decision-making processes. During the allocation of parental responsibilities, it will be determined whether one or both parents will make major decisions in the child’s life.

These decisions include those pertaining to education, healthcare, religion, and extracurricular activities. These decisions will be reflected in the parenting plan. Pickup and drop-off times and places will be clearly outlined, as well as how and when the child can communicate with one parent when they are physically with the other.  

Why Stick to the Parenting Plan?

Parents who stick to an agreed-upon parenting plan will help their children adjust to their new family dynamics. Anxiety and stress will be reduced, and the child will benefit from having a predictable routine that fosters stability and security. Disruptions to a child’s routine can lead to all sorts of problems, including behavioral issues and emotional issues like depression and anxiety. A parent who is chronically late picking up the child causes the child unnecessary worry and stress.

Chronic failure to adhere to a parenting plan can cause problems for the child and the other parent and result in legal repercussions. A parent who consistently ignores the parenting plan can find his or her custody arrangements modified, parenting time reduced, and, in some cases, fines imposed for refusing to follow what is essentially a court order.

Regardless of how your marriage ended, following a parenting plan is also necessary for reducing tension and conflict because tension and conflict with your ex-spouse will spill over onto your child. Refusing to follow the guidelines in a parenting plan can have financial implications in some situations.  Chronic, deliberate non-compliance with the parenting plan can be seen by the court as neglecting parental responsibilities and duties.

A court could even reassess financial obligations if they believe the child’s well-being is adversely affected by the parent’s non-compliance. If parents are simply unable to stick to a parenting plan, it could be time to consider mediation or another type of conflict resolution. Some parents have an annual review of their parenting plan to ensure it is still relevant and determine whether adjustments are necessary.

Contact a DuPage County Family Lawyer

If failure to stick to the parenting plan by one or both parents has created conflict, speaking to a knowledgeable Wheaton, IL parenting plan attorney from Davi Law Group can help the situation. Your attorney can help you determine whether the parenting plan needs adjusting or whether you or your ex need to learn to adhere to the guidelines in a more consistent manner. Call 630-657-5052 to schedule your free consultation.  

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