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Adoption is a beautiful thing. You are choosing to take on a child who is not biologically your offspring and promising to love them as if they were. In Illinois, there are four different types of adoption. Which one you choose is entirely dependent on your situation, circumstance, and preference. A family law attorney can help prepare you for legal adoption so that you can navigate the complexities often associated with the process.
Related adoptions are where the adoptive parents are already related in some way to the children being adopted. Stepparents looking to adopt the child of their significant other will want to select related adoption. Other related adoption candidates may include biological siblings and grandparents.
Most adoptions that people are familiar with often involve minor children. However, adult adoption is when a petitioner wishes to legally adopt a child who is older than 18 years of age. Instead of the need for the biological parent’s consent, as is required in related adoption, the adoptee will need to provide consent. If the petitioning parent is not related biologically, the adult child must have resided with the petitioning parents for at least two years before an adoption can occur.
An agency can place the child up for adoption after biological parents surrender their legal parental rights. The agency will screen prospective adoptive parents before allowing them to adopt the children legally. Agency adoption has many benefits, which include:
Agency adoption requires a lot of legal paperwork, and adoptive parents will want an attorney to be the main bridge between them and their biological parents. Once the adoption occurs, the attorney can be the adoptive parents’ main communication line between them and the adoptive agency.
Biological parents looking to deal with the adoptive parents directly can perform a private adoption. Instead of the agency doing all the work, it will now rest on the shoulders of an attorney. The attorney will be the main point of communication between parents and can only represent one party. The payment method will also differ significantly from that of an agency adoption.
Planning to adopt has many moving parts that can quickly become overwhelming for any hopeful parents. An experienced Wheaton, IL adoption lawyer can help sift through the legalese and represent your interests during adoption. Contact the Davi Law Group at 630-657-5052 for a free consultation and an empathetic ear to your adoption needs.