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Are International Assets Divided in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on May 16, 2024 in Property Division

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerOne of the most complicated parts of the divorce process is asset division, also known as property division. It involves identifying a couple’s marital property, which means those assets that belong to both spouses jointly. Once identified, the marital property is then divided between the parties.

Asset division can become even more complicated if there are international assets, such as:

  • Vacation homes overseas

  • Foreign investment properties

  • Foreign retirement accounts

  • Overseas trusts

  • Overseas bank accounts

If your divorce involves foreign assets, consult our Illinois divorce attorney with experience in complex asset division. He will know which assets need to be divided and will engage a forensic accountant when necessary.

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What is Commingled Property in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on April 30, 2024 in Property Division

Wheaton, IL divorce lawyerUnder Illinois law, spouses who get divorced are entitled to marital property. Marital property refers to assets that were acquired during the marriage. Generally, if something was acquired by either spouse during the marriage, it becomes marital property and must be divided fairly in a divorce. If something was acquired by a spouse before the marriage, however, it is not divided.

There are some exceptions to this rule, such as commingled property. This article will discuss marital property and commingled property.

Because property division is a complex area of divorce law, any questions about marital property should be directed to a skilled divorce attorney in Illinois.

What is Marital Property?

Illinois law defines marital property as anything that was acquired during the marriage, for example:

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What Happens if My Co-Parent Fails to Show Up for Visitation?

 Posted on April 22, 2024 in Child Custody

Wheaton, IL divorce lawyerCo-parenting after a divorce is rarely easy and never simple. One of the reasons for this is that each parent now has his or her own separate life to lead. Priorities get shifted around, mistakes are made, the unexpected happens, and emergencies come up.

So, if your co-parent fails to show up for his or her parenting time with your child, it may be a misunderstanding. Furthermore, Illinois law wants to keep parents and their children together. If your ex misses a visit, he or she is not likely to face penalties. 

However, if your co-parent is making a habit of failing to show up for parenting duty, it is something you should discuss with an Illinois family law attorney. A qualified lawyer will help you understand what action to take, if any.

Should I Take Action if My Co-Parent Is Not Showing Up?

Say your ex is consistently failing to appear for his or her parenting time with the child. If action can be taken, does that mean you should take it? Some people might be reluctant to address the issue for fear of “making waves” or inviting hostility. This can be especially true if your ex has been known to be abusive and you fear reprisal.

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4 Ways to Protect Your Credit in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on April 10, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton, IL divorce lawyerYou may have heard at least one person say, “I lost everything in the divorce.” This tends to happen in divorces where finances and assets are not managed properly. Without the right divorce attorney, a person going through a divorce can lose a lot of money to:

  • Spousal maintenance payments, also known as alimony

  • Child support payments

  • Division of assets

Another pitfall that is often overlooked by divorcing parties is how their credit can be damaged by the divorce. This article will discuss four ways to protect your credit in an Illinois divorce.

Remove Your Spouse From Credit Cards

One of the most important ways to protect your credit is by removing your spouse’s name from your credit cards. As long as your spouse is an authorized user of your credit cards, you run the risk of debt piling up. Not only will you be responsible for that debt, but you may be paying for expenses that are no longer yours. 

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My Ex Got a Raise. Am I Entitled to More Child Support?

 Posted on April 03, 2024 in Child Support

DuPage County, IL child support lawyerFor many couples who get divorced in Illinois, child support can be one of the hardest parts of the process. A court that orders an ex-spouse to pay child support will do so after considering several factors, such as:

  • Who has the majority of physical custody, known as “parenting time” in Illinois

  • The net income of that parent

  • The net income of the other parent

  • If spousal support, or alimony, is also being paid

  • The child’s or children’s needs

Because of this, it is important to retain a divorce lawyer who understands family law and can help you navigate the legal system when it comes to child support.

Does Making More Money Mean Paying More Child Support?

An issue often raised by those receiving child support is what happens when the party paying the support — called the payor — receives an increase in his or her income. Does that mean the payee should then receive more child support? The answer, as with most legal questions, is “it depends.” 

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Do I Need a Forensic Accountant for My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on March 28, 2024 in Property Division

IL divorce lawyerOften, the division of assets can be a fairly straightforward part of the divorce process. The spouses outline all their marital assets and properties, as well as debts, and either they can come up with a reasonable plan for splitting these or the court will do so, taking into consideration both parties’ finances, earning capability, and other factors. Unfortunately, some people find they cannot trust their future ex-spouse. While it is not legal to withhold information, some people try to hide assets in an effort to keep them from needing to share them with their ex. In some cases, a spouse might use marital funds for things having nothing to do with the marriage, for example by gambling or spending on someone they are being unfaithful with. If you do not trust your spouse to be open and honest about finances and other assets during divorce proceedings, a forensic accountant might be exactly what you need. Speak with a DuPage County, IL divorce lawyer to find out more.

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3 Signs Your Spouse Might Be Hiding Assets in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on March 20, 2024 in Property Division

IL divorce lawyerWhen a couple goes through a divorce, one of the many steps they need to work out relates to the division of their marital assets. Anything that they amassed as a couple will be divided in a divorce. Unfortunately, some people falsely believe that they can merely hide some assets so as to avoid splitting them in the divorce settlement. This is an illegal practice, but common nonetheless. This article will describe three prominent signs that your spouse might be trying to hide assets. Of course, if you have any concerns about your personal situation, a compassionate Wheaton, IL divorce lawyer can guide you further.

Unreasonable and Unexplained Bank Transfers

It is not illegal to have multiple accounts or even accounts in multiple countries. However, if your spouse has begun transferring money into investments or between accounts without offering you any explanation about it, this might be a sign that they are trying to hide assets from the authorities so they can avoid dividing them with you in a divorce. If you notice any discrepancies between your account balances and what your spouse has disclosed about his financial activity, speak with a lawyer about all of this so you can figure out what you should do next.

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Can Mediation Settle Our Illinois Child Custody Dispute?

 Posted on March 14, 2024 in Mediation

IL divorce lawyerWhen parents get a divorce, one of the most pressing issues surrounds what will happen with child custody. The division of parental responsibilities, parenting time, and other matters that come up when parents end their marriage can be extremely complicated to navigate. Sometimes, parents truly seem like the enemies portrayed in television and movies. But other times, parents can split amicably and still put their child’s well-being above anything else. In such cases, they might be able to settle their child custody dispute through mediation. Speak with a knowledgeable Wheaton, IL divorce lawyer to discuss whether this might be a good option for you.

How Does Mediation Work?

Every case varies, but mediation generally begins with both parties in a case working with the mediator to identify the issues they agree on and the issues under dispute. The mediator then begins a conversation with them about whatever issues remain unresolved and helps them consider a variety of options for resolving them. It is not the mediator’s job to make any decisions for the parents but rather to empower and encourage them to make decisions that would best suit them.

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How Can I Get Legal Recognition as My Child’s Father?

 Posted on March 04, 2024 in Paternity

IL family lawyerNot everyone is aware that your marital status at the time of your child’s birth affects whether you are legally recognized as the child’s father. When a woman gives birth to a baby, she is automatically considered that baby’s mother. If she happens to be married to a man at the time of the birth, then he is automatically considered the baby’s father. Things become more complicated for an unmarried couple. Certain procedures need to be followed for the father to be recognized as such, and this legal recognition of parentage is of significance later on. If the father is not interested in being legally considered the father, the mother can go through the court to compel him to take a DNA test, thus proving he is the father and making him liable for various parental responsibilities. But if you are the father and you want your parental rights, you can conduct what is called a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, or VAP. If you are a single father who wants to be involved in raising your child, speak with a trustworthy Wheaton, IL paternity rights lawyer who can explain what your options are and offer guidance.

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Is Birdnesting a Good Option for Me?

 Posted on February 22, 2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerOne of the most contentious topics when parents get a divorce relates to their children: Who will they live with? Where will they live? If parents have joint custody and one of them keeps the family home, what happens if the other parent cannot find a home in the same school zone? Birdnesting can be a good option for parents trying to think outside the box to help their children keep feeling stable and settled despite the divorce. While this article will provide basic information about the concept, you can speak with a Wheaton, IL divorce lawyer to find out more and see whether this kind of arrangement might suit you and your ex-spouse.

What Is Birdnesting?

Most divorced parents live in two separate homes, and their children alternate between them depending on their prearranged custody schedule. While many people find that living completely separate from their ex is the best way to move on, some choose a different living arrangement. Birdnesting is when the family home is retained, and the children live there permanently. The parents alternate staying in the home with them based on the custody and visitation agreement. On days when the other parent is with the children, they stay somewhere else.

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