A Bill to Garnish Gaming Winnings
Posted on June 27, 2013 in Divorce
With a backlog of over three million dollars owed in back child support, Illinois officials are making every effort to get this money collected, even if it means going after a person’s casino winnings. If passed,
House Bill 2843 will allow garnishments of monies won gambling. The winnings of parents who have not paid back
child support would be turned over to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, who would then distribute the funds to the custodial parents.

In addition to garnishing wages,Illinois has the authority to withhold certain services in the attempt to make parents who avoid their responsibility to pay up. For example, he or she may not be allowed to renew a driver’s license or other professional or sportsman licensing until back child support is paid.
It is estimated that if House Bill 2843 is passed, $1 million will be distributed to custodial parents. Some say this amount is small in comparison to the $3 million owed, but it is a start, according to child support advocates.
In a perfect world, both parents work together in the best interest of the child or children. Unfortunately, measures have to be in place to ensure custodial parents get help from the ex-spouse. Far too often, there is one parent raising the children. When ex spouses do not pay court ordered child support, the custodial parent may have to compensate by working longer hours, which ultimately affects the child.
If you are considering divorce or are a custodial parent who is owed back child support, get your questions answered by calling a qualified
Illinois Child Support attorney. He or she will work hard to ensure your interests and your children’s interests are protected. The meet and greet consultation is free.
Image courtesy of Boians Cho Joo Young at Freedigitalphotos.net