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During Divorce, Disadvantaged Spouses Can Petition for Attorney's Fees

 Posted on June 27, 2018 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyersWhen you are in the midst of a divorce, ensuring that you have a lawyer on your side can significantly improve the overall outcome of your case. Unfortunately, many disadvantaged spouses believe they cannot hire one because they do not have direct access to the money or assets from their marriage. Thankfully, there are options for non-moneyed spouses. Learn more about them in the following sections, and discover where to find the quality legal assistance that you deserve.

Petitioning the Court for Help with Your Legal Fees

When one party in a marriage is the income earner, the other party may feel as though they have little to no options for obtaining legal counsel. As such, they may attempt to represent themselves. Sadly, this can significantly increase the risk of long-term financial problems for the non-moneyed spouse. Thankfully, you do not have to face this fate. Instead, you can use legal options that are available to you under Illinois state law.

Assets from the marriage are considered joint, marital assets, meaning you have just as much right to the money as your spouse. You are also entitled to money for legal representation. If your spouse is attempting to deprive you of this, you can petition the court to request that they assist with your legal fees. An attorney can assist you with the process while also representing your interests. Not only does this ensure that you have quality legal representation from the start of your case, it can also increase your chances of a favorable outcome during your petition, and in the overall outcome of your case.

Other Financial Options for Non-Moneyed Spouses

Petitions for money are not restricted to legal fees. Some non-moneyed spouses may also be eligible for temporary spousal support and child support, prior to the completion of their divorce. Again, the assistance of a lawyer can improve the outcomes of such requests, and a lawyer can attempt to expedite the process so you receive money sooner. State aid, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid, and cash assistance may also be available to non-moneyed spouses while they are waiting for the court petition to go through.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

When non-moneyed spouses are denied access to marital assets, it is critical that they take swift and aggressive action to protect their financial well-being. Davi Law Group, LLC understands this, and we work hard to protect the best interests of our clients. Do not delay. Contact our DuPage County divorce lawyers and schedule your personalized, confidential consultation and obtain the representation that you deserve. Call 630-657-5052 today.


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