Orders of Protection
Posted on July 19, 2013 in Divorce

Many people use orders of protection when they are getting out of an abusive relationship. Sometimes, however, someone can get out of that relationship without one and it seems to be going well for a while, until the abuser comes back. Sometimes, after the couple is divorced and living their own lives, they are not bothered by one another.
If your ex-husband or ex-wife continues to bother you after the divorce, it may be a good idea to file for an
order of protection for your safety and the safety of your child. If children are involved, they may be listed in the order as “protected parties.” If this is the case, custody and/or visitation rights may be altered.
It is possible that the alleged abuser will lose custody completely, or the visitation will be extremely limited by day, time, location and supervision and the alleged abuser will no longer be able to take the child out of the state.
If the alleged abuser does not follow the specific instructions in the order, there could be serious consequences including arrest and fines or even jail time if you are convicted of breaking the order of protection.
Because the order is only against the alleged abuser, the person who files the order cannot violate it and can, therefore, meet with the alleged abuser voluntarily. If this is the case, the accuser and accused can meet and no one will be violating the order. This must not be taken lightly though, because if the two meet, the accused can get into trouble if he or she cannot prove that the meeting was voluntary.
If you are still having trouble with your ex-spouse, be sure to contact a
family law attorney to help you file for an order of protection immediately. It is important for, not only, the person whom you are accusing, but also for you to know the details of the order. Contact the
Davi Law Group in Illinois today.